On this map, we can check where GPS signal jamming has been observed in the last few hours. The map also displays spoofing attack.
The issue of GPS functionality was a popular topic in 2024, among others, due to Russian actions in the Baltic Sea, which were related to periodic disruption of the accuracy of this navigation system. These seemingly harmless moves caused huge problems, especially for aircraft and ships, for which movement in the area affected by the disruptions became difficult and could lead to disaster. Currently, due to these events, among others, the Live GPS Spoofing and Jamming Tracker Map service was created, allowing you to track current disruptions related to the GPS system.
The presented map uses current ADS-B data (air traffic information) from the OpenSky network to identify and display in real time potentially spoofed aircraft positions, as well as locations where GPS signal interference has been observed in the last few hours. The project is the result of joint efforts of the start-up SkAI Data Services and the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich.
Information about spoofed aircraft positions, the so-called spoofed aircrat, is displayed in the form of clusters indicating areas where such situations occurred. The numbers in each blue circle show how many flights contain incorrect data regarding their position in a given location. Smaller, blue markers represent the positions of the aircraft just before they were spoofed. Lines connect their actual positions with their corresponding spoofed locations. Hovering over any point will give you information about the flight on the flightradar24 website.
In addition, the presented visualization also displays areas of potential GPS signal interference, marked with colored hexagons. The redder the hexagon, the stronger the interference in that location. We can freely modify what content is to be displayed on the map using a simple filtering system on the left. Here we can also specify the time range to be displayed on the site and see data from a specific day.
If we look at the situation from the last 24 hours, we will notice that the main area of GPS signal interference is the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, including practically the entire areas of the Baltic States, northern Poland and the European part of Russia. It is not difficult to guess that most of these problems result from activities related to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.