Find cities with the same latitude or longitude

Find cities with the same latitude or longitude

Ever wondered about the hidden connections that link places across the globe? Have you ever thought about what other locations share the same latitude as your hometown, or where you’d end up if you traveled straight east or north? This app lets you dive into those mysteries, exploring the fascinating alignments of geography and uncovering the invisible connections between distant locations.

The LatLon Connect map allows you to discover cities around the world that are on the same latitude or longitude. Simply type in the name of the city or click the ‘+’ button and then point to a point on the map. Two lines will appear: a horizontal line (latitude) and a vertical line (longitude), along which blue pins will mark cities that have the same coordinates.

The tool allows the user to set the minimum population of cities to be displayed (min. 100,000 inhabitants) and a search buffer around the latitude and longitude lines (max. 50 km).

A list of cities with similar coordinates will also be displayed in the menu on the right, where the distance from the selected location and the city’s population are also given.

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